
lundi 9 décembre 2013

Questions I get asked: What if you were stranded on an island and you had to eat meat to survive?

So what if you were stranded on an island and you had to eat meat to survive?

Well, let me explain. There are limits, and then there is stupidity.

It is reasonable to boycott meat in a society where vegetable protein is largely available and can suit everybody’s needs. Killing animals is not justified when you can get your protein from perfectly peaceful sources.

It is not reasonable, however, to boycott meat when you are stranded on an island and your only chance of survival is by eating crab meat. If this ever happens to you, then, by all means, eat crab meat.

It is not reasonable either to refuse meat when you are on a peace mission in a Native American tribe in Bolivia and they offer you llama meat. Take it. It’s not worth a clan war to explain why you prefer to eat vegetables.

It is not reasonable to refuse meat when you’re a journalist sent to cover a story in Nigeria and a family offers to house you and feed you with meat, when there’s scarcely enough to go around. Don’t try explaining why you, rich person, would prefer not to eat meat. They won’t understand.

If I’m ever caught in one of these situations, I would probably eat meat.

But so far, I’ve never been in one of these situations. I live in the part of the world where food is aplenty. I can choose what I eat, and I choose not to kill for my food.

Yes, I know what you’re thinking: don’t you kill lettuce when you eat it?

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