
mardi 3 décembre 2013

Questions I get asked- Isn't being vegetarian more expensive?

Today I'm going to answer this one as briefly as possible.

If you adopt a vegetarian lifestyle, the answer is NO. You will basically substitute meat protein for beans/lentils protein. As beans/lentils are cheaper than meat, you will find out that being a vegetarian means a cheaper lifestyle. Just go ask the people in India.

If you adopt a vegan lifestyle, the answer is YES. You'll end up substituting the calcium found in milk and cheese with vegan products such as soy milk, almond milk, nuts, dried fruit. These are more expensive than animal products.

But the difference isn't that much - see how much fish and red meat cost these days.

And also, I find that buying almonds, dried figs and humus makes me happier than buying ham and cheese. Maybe that's just me. But they sure are good :)

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