
lundi 26 août 2013

Gluten-free fluffy pancakes

Hey guys! I decided to do an extra post this week, dedicated to all my gluten-intolerant friends.

So I was making gluten-free bread, something I'd promised to do countless times for my gluten-intolerant friends, and I had a little flour mix left, about a cup. The recipe I'd found online asked for 350 grams of flour mix, and 350 grams of water. I figured I'd use the cup of flour mix that I had left, and add one cup of water to that, since they were equal measurements, right?

Wrong, it turns out. Very wrong. I added more flour, but didn't have enough to make up for my clumsy mistake. So I was left with a batter that I couldn't do anything else except...


And those turned out VERY GOOD indeed.

My vegan pancakes for a celebration brunch :)

So this what I used for ingredients:

  • 1 1/4 cup gluten-free bread mix (it comes with all types of flour: rice flour, sorghum, etc. You can buy it at a natural food store or at some supermarkets).
  • 1 cup warm water, soy milk or another vegan milk
  • 2 tablespoons olive oil
  • 8g of Brewer's yeast or 'beer' yeast (A pinch of baking powder will work as well).
  • A teaspoon of salt 
  • A teaspoon of sugar
  • Margarine or oil for frying

#1. Mix warm water/milk with the brewer's yeast.
#2. Add olive oil.
#3. Add flour mix, salt and sugar. Mix until the batter is homogeneous. 
#4. Place oil or margarine on a skillet, and heat it up.
#5. When oil is sizzling, scoop batter with a ladle and place it in the middle of the skillet.
This is the tricky part now- realizing when one side is done. The bottom side is done cooking when tiny bubbles are piercing the top side, and the top side isn't as shiny anymore.
#6. Flip the pancake and cook the other side.


samedi 24 août 2013

Curry de lentilhas rosas com abobrinha

Olá pessoal!! Estou começando o novo ano letivo, o que significa que eu vou voltar aos compromissos que assumi. Um deles é esse blog. A partir de hoje, vou publicar um novo artigo cada sábado. Enquanto isso, vocês são bem vindos a descobrir meu outro blog que comecei essa semana, Tracking Stories. Esse blog terá novos artigos cada quarta-feira.

Hoje abri meu armário e dei de cara com essas lentilhas corais que eu tinha guardado. Essas lentilhas são diferentes das outras que conheço, são mais delicadas e não precisam ficar de molho a noite inteira, como as lentilhas verdes. Apenas 15 minutos já basta.
As lentilhas corais, ou cor de rosa. Fonte: Wiki Commons

Pesquisei como preparar elas. Tem muitas receitas na net, principalmente indianas, que conselho a provar. Como eu não tinha muitos ingredientes em casa, inventei minha própria receita baseada nas que eu vi, e deu super certo!

Compartilho com vocês minha receita de Curry de Lentilhas rosas com abobrinha.

Ingredientes (para 2 pessoas) :

-metade de uma abobrinha, picadinho
-metade de uma cebola, picadinho
-folha de louro
-uma colher de chá de curry (pode comprar já feito ou fazer você mesmo)
-100 g de lentilhas rosas


1) Primeiro coloque as lentilhas de molho numa tigela por cerca 15 minutos. Enquanto isso...
2) Coloque um pouco de azeite na frigideira e quando o óleo estiver quente, acrescente o curry. Misture o curry para que dissolva no óleo. Frite então a cebola para que fique dourada e acrescente a abobrinha e a folha de louro.

Antes da água...

3) Quando a cebola estiver cozida, acrescente as lentilhas depois de escorrer elas. Misture bem por um minuto, depois cobre por um copo de água. Coloque sal.
Estará pronto quando quase toda a água evaporar. Leva menos de meia hora para cozinhar as lentilhas e é fácil inventar receitas com elas.

É uma ótima opção para aquele dia que queria comer feijão, mas esqueceu de colocar eles de molho na noite anterior. Quase fiquei com vergonha de ter esquecido essas lentilhas no meu armário, e agora elas vão fazer parte do meu estoque de 'COMIDAS RÁPIDAS', ao qual também adicionei polenta instantânea e aveia. Miojo não tem espaço aqui não! Hehe.

Zucchini curry Masoor Dal

Hey everyone! It's back to school for me, and that means I turned a new leaf and I'm sticking to my commitments. From now on I'll be posting every Saturday- so stay tuned for new tips and veggie recipes!

Today I was looking for something new to write about while emptying my pantry. I noticed that there was a bit of red lentils left over, also known as Masoor Dal. I'd bought them just because they were pretty, but I'd never eaten them before. My first experience cooking them was a disaster : I thought that they needed to be soaked overnight, like other lentils I knew of. The result was mush. It turns out that cooking this pearlies are much easier, you need to soak them for only 15 minutes before cooking.

This is what Masoor Dal looks like (red lentils). Source: Wiki Commons
There are many recipes on the internet for these lentils, most of them are Indian, very tasty. Since I didn't have the required ingredients for many that I saw, I made up my own recipe using tips and matched ingredients I had with ingredients I saw in some recipes. The result turned out to be quite good!

I present to you the Zucchini Curry Masoor Dal.

Ingredients (for two people):

-a teaspoon of curry spice (you can make your own or buy it ready)
-olive oil
-half a zucchini diced
-half an onion, diced
-about 100 g of red lentils
-bay leaf


#1. Cover the red lentils in water and soak them from 10-15 minutes. Meanwhile. . .
#2. Sprinkle olive oil into a frying pan or wok. When hot, add curry. Mix for 30 seconds. Then fry onions, and add the zucchini and bay leaf.

Here's what it looks like while cooking.

#3. When onions are transparent and zucchini is slightly cooked, add lentils. After everything is mixed together, for about a minute, add a cup of water. Add salt. Wait until the water is almost completely evaporated and then - ta da! It's done. The cooking takes less than half an hour.

Finished product!
It's an ideal recipes for those who really wanted have protein and forgot to soak their beans/lentils overnight. Having Masoor Dal on hand proves to be really useful, and now I'm slightly ashamed it was sitting in my pantry for all these months.

Enjoy the marvels of Indian cuisine! I sure love it.